World of Fireplaces 2023 enthusiastically embraced
Great popularity and appeals to politicians: key decision-makers at the press conference for the trade fair premiere
Since the first communication of the new "World of Fireplaces" B2B event, it has surprised the entire industry, the supporting industry association HKI and the trade fair organizer Trendfairs with extraordinary demand, which until recently required more and more space extensions. Now, towards the end of the countdown, the figures for the upcoming premiere alone are impressive: 240 exhibitors from 25 countries as well as countless visitors from over 50 countries are expected at the Leipzig exhibition center, 15,000 sqm of exhibition space in Hall 5 as well as 1,000 sqm in the surrounding outdoor area are occupied.
In addition to these figures, it’s the outstanding atmosphere and the joy of expectation that have accompanied this new trade fair from the very beginning. The opening speech by Nikolaus Fleischhacker alone, member of the board of the organizing industrial association Haus-, Heiz- und Küchentechnik e.V. (HKI) and Managing Director of Oranier Heiztechnik, has shown its pioneering spirit – as well as the industry's self-confidence regarding environmentally friendly heating.
"Ladies and gentlemen, look around, isn't this a fantastic start to a trade fair that has never existed before! (...) At the beginning, the required space was assumed to be 10,000 sqm with an increasing tendency at the subsequent events. Nobody would have thought it would finally be 15,000 square meters and many presentations on the open space in addition...". - with these words Fleischhacker himself still looks back at the 'birth' of the event with amazement. Moreover, he makes an urgent appeal in connection with the World of Fireplaces: “This fair should also send a signal to the policy. The industry of the fireplaces is by no means a peripheral phenomenon in the heating market, but offers lots of jobs for many people in Europe. In the past, fireplaces were often cast in a negative light and imposed with prohibitions. This happened against one’s better judgement and based on outdated information and figures. Therefore, I call upon all decision-makers on this occasion: Come and see what 'Grandma's stove' has become in the meantime...!"
During the press conference at the trade fair, the patrons of the event, former Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner as well as the Minister President of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, were connected via video transmission. Both had spontaneously committed themselves to supporting this event, firmly convinced that heating with wood is modern, safe, up-to-date and responsible in terms of climate policy and thus future-oriented.
Frank Kienle, Managing director of the HKI Association, states that “with the World of Fireplaces, a very individual and international trade fair format was created – requested by European manufacturers. True to the motto: "By the industry for the industry." Kienle is particularly proud of “the WOF being considered as ‘Lifestyle’ and as climatically friendly at the same time. It shows novelties and trends around the energy revolution, gives impulses and leads to discussions among trade visitors, craft and industry."
With a view to the upcoming changes in heating and housing, the development of energy prices or the mandatory replacement of heating systems based on fossil fuels, Alexis Gula, President of the Federal Association of Chimney Sweeps (ZIV), emphasizes that successful solutions to "...these challenges can only be achieved with a systematically open approach. In addition to heat pumps and district heating, biomass heating systems should continue to be seen as renewable energies and promoted accordingly." Because, according to Gula: "The current energy crisis is leading to major uncertainty among the population. (...) The role, which regenerative and climate-friendly fuels such as logs, pellets or wood chips will be playing in the future, will ultimately be decided by politicians."
As representatives and board members of the European Fireplace Association (EFA), Ursula Gröbner and Uwe Striegler express very similar views: "Heat made from wood is a secure and sustainable supply. Only if we use this technology in a sensible overall strategy, free of ideology, will we be able to master the great challenges of our time as a society. The stove, regardless of whether it is an industrial fireplace or a tiled stove made by craftsmen, is part of an innovative heating concept that will continue to provide supply for Germany in the years to come. We must stand up for this together and find answers to questions that politicians and society are asking."
Robert Mülleneisen speaks as chairman of the board for the umbrella organization for craft, industry and wholesale in stove construction GVOB: "There is a fiery discussion about heating with wood. Modern fireplaces are hotly desired and, as far as we can see, they are vital during the energy revolution. The World of Fireplaces offers an ideal platform for the Ofenbau Association and its members in terms of innovative solutions and modern technologies, for a well-founded professional-technical exchange and a discourse on important future topics. Our fireplaces are the focal point and meeting point for all to stay in touch. We look forward to meeting the participants in Leipzig!"
The momentum and enthusiasm for the WOF is also summed up by Klaus Egly, first Chairman of the Federal Association of the Firewood Trade and Firewood Production: "There is no better place and time than this trade fair to start a campaign in favor of wood combustion. For the first time the industry of wood furnaces presents itself in its entire width and depth. (...) Together we are strong! Here at the fair we set the hare running". A clear commitment that will gain attention throughout Europe.
Before concluding with the words of Michael Rambach, developer and implementer of the 'World of Fireplaces' with Trendfairs, Prof. DSc. Ingo Hartmann, head of the research focus "Catalytic Emission Reduction" at the German Biomass Research Center, gives interesting advice from a scientific point of view to the assembled expert audience in Leipzig: "According to the current state of the art, the lowest pollutant emissions are achieved when wood-burning furnaces are equipped with draft control, operating data acquisition and exhaust gas cleaning. (...) In addition, it is vital to reduce the consumption of firewood through higher efficiency and coupling with other renewable energies."
Michael Rambach, the aforementioned founder and partner of the fair organizer Trendfairs, was overwhelmed by the popularity of 'his child'. Surely just as surprised as its entire team. He draws a consistently positive conclusion up to the today's fair start of the Events taking place in the future every two years. Trendfairs is extraordinarily pleased to be the host of international industry participants of the fireplaces from 17 to 19 April 2023. The companies presented themselves in Leipzig with interesting innovations, trends and future-oriented solutions. An informative programme, panel shows at the 'Fireplace HUB' and the 'Hybrid Heat' special show complete the event." Visibly moved, Rambach continues: "Personally, I am impressed by the positive, familial atmosphere in the industry. It is remarkable how diverse and innovative this professional community is. Trendfairs looks forward to three inspiring days at the fair and welcomes its guests.”
At the new World of Fireplaces, industry leaders, medium-sized companies and interesting newcomers from the product segments of pellet, tile and storage stoves, electric fireplaces and stoves, decorative, cold and imitation fireplaces, stoves and grills, exhaust systems, boilers, separation and control technology, fuel, bricks and fireclay, software for smarthome and for system control, various suppliers and accessory suppliers as well as the area of outdoor fireplaces will present themselves.
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