Press release

Press release

Date for "World of Fireplaces" 2025 published


28 to 30 April 2025 and even more attractive, even more international, even more broadly positioned.

On the visitor and exhibitor side, the aim for the second edition of this innovative trade show format is to increase industry penetration and visibly expand internationality. It will certainly be possible to fully occupy the larger hall areas in 2025 as well as the outdoor area in front of the hall. Demand was already huge immediately after the end of the trade show in the spring of this year, and numerous bookings have already been announced. It is to be expected that visitor interest in the "World of Fireplaces" 2025 will also increase, because with the focus on energy, fireplaces and feel-good ambience, the organizer is addressing a highly topical and socio-politically important issue.

The "World of Fireplaces" bundles the know-how around comfort and warmth. Thus, manufacturers and suppliers from all over the world present themselves on their very own platform tailored to the specifics of the industry. Products and services will be presented by industry leaders, medium-sized companies and interesting newcomers in the product segments of pellet, tile and storage stoves, electric fireplaces and stoves, decorative fireplaces, stoves and grills, outdoor fireplaces and outdoor kitchens, exhaust systems, boiler, separation and control technology, fuel, bricks and fireclay, software for smarthome and for system control, as well as various suppliers and accessory suppliers.

In other words, for companies and decision-makers in the 'fireplaces and feel-good ambience' segment, this trade fair in Leipzig is the most important network hub in the industry - far beyond the borders of Germany! Or as Norbert Müller, Managing Director of Gutbrod Keramik GmbH (Gundelfingen an der Donau) puts it: "At the 'World of Fireplaces' we see the complete value chain of fireplaces represented. Therefore, as a traditional company for stove ceramics, we will also be present. Gutbrod Keramik has been manufacturing high-quality ceramics for tiled stoves and fireplaces since 1869. The 'WOF 2025' is set for us!"

In addition to the presentation of service profiles and innovations on the exhibitor side and discussions within the industry, communication with decision-makers from politics, administration and science is particularly important. The "World of Fireplaces" can see itself as a central network node in the exchange between industry and the public - especially because CO2 and climate neutrality on the one hand and the availability and affordability of energy on the other are not global megatopics only in the future, but already here and now.

Nikolaus Fleischhacker, Managing Director of the Oranier Group (Haiger), expresses the growing socio-political responsibility of the "World of Fireplaces" as follows: "An international trade fair for fireplaces is very important for the industry in many respects. Of course, it serves to present new products and to establish a dialogue with dealers, the trade and service providers. In addition, however, it is also an attention-grabbing platform for political lobbying, which is particularly important right now."

Hybrid heating concepts are playing an increasingly important role in the climate debate. These include, for example, the intelligent combination of a residential fireplace and a heat pump plus photovoltaics - to bridge particularly cold outside temperatures or to smooth peak loads. Or: Water-bearing wood-burning stoves can nowadays be easily integrated into existing heating systems - whereby the respective stove not only provides comfortable warmth in its installation room, but also relieves the central heating system. Last but not least, a hybrid heat supply system ensures extensive energy independence - not only during blackouts or dark periods. These variants will be presented live at the WORLD OF FIREPLACES.

"As a pellet pioneer and one of the leading manufacturers of innovative pellet and wood-burning stoves, we offer forward-looking solutions for heating and comfortable warmth in the home. In this hybrid heating system, both heat generators complement each other perfectly. And without wood heat, climate targets cannot be achieved. Heating with wood and wood pellets therefore makes economic and ecological sense," Christiane Wodtke, Managing Director of Wodtke GmbH near Tübingen, therefore emphasizes in this context.

Preparations for the second edition of World of Fireplaces 2025 have begun. The organizer Trendfairs is working on the 'fireplace to be' from April 28 to 30, 2025, with the aim of once again making this international trade fair a success for all involved.
Facts & figures 2023
Trade visitors
8,135 trade visitors from around 60 countries
Ranking (over 100 people): 4,180 trade visitors from Germany, 222 from the Netherlands, 168 from Austria, 163 from the Czech Republic, 149 from Poland, 138 from Italy, 134 from Sweden, 106 from Slovakia

Exhibitors/ brands
Over 240 exhibitors and brands on 15,000 sqm indoor space and 1,000 sqm outdoor space

Product groups
  • Accessories for chimney sweeping
  • Accessories
  • Barbeque equipment
  • Boiler & storage technologies
  • Ceramics / chamotte /mortar/plaster/adhesive material
  • Chimney systems and technique
  • Construction kits for fireplace and tiled stove
  • Control & regulation technology
  • Cookers
  • Cooperation partners
  • Decorative fire
  • Electric-fireplaces
  • Emission control technology, particle separators, catalysts
  • Ethanol-fireplaces
  • Fireplace inserts/heating fireplaces
  • Fireplaces with water technology
  • Freestanding stoves
  • Fuels/ ignition materials
  • Garden & barbecue fireplaces
  • Gas fireplaces / gas inserts
  • Glass ceramics/ fire-proofed panels
  • Hybrid chimney systems
  • Inserts for tiled stove and heating
  • Institutions / associations
  • Insulating materials
  • Machines & plants for firewood preparation
  • Measurement technology
  • Other
  • Outdoor fireplaces
  • Outdoorkitchen
  • Pellet stoves
  • Slow combustion stoves
  • Smart home
  • Solid fuel fireplaces & heat pump & solar technology
  • Storage stoves, storage fireplaces
  • Stove tiles
  • Stoves
  • Test laboratories
  • Tiled stoves / plaster stoves
  • Tools/ utilities 
  • Trade press, media & publishers
  • Wood stoves
Next Show
28 to 30 April 2025

Image data
The link below leads to a selection of images from the World of Fireplaces. The images can be used with the copyright note trendfairs - reprinting is free of charge.
With kind regards
Michael Rambach
wir sehen uns.

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Press contact
Michael Rambach
Phone: +49 171 7701014

trendfairs GmbH is a trade fair organiser of sophisticated industry events. With excellent event know-how and a fine sense of the market, trendfairs GmbH creates worlds of experience with high appeal.