Special show

Special show "Hybrid Heat"

Hybrid heating concepts will play an increasingly important role in the climate debate. These include the combination of a domestic fireplace and heat pump plus photovoltaics, to bridge particularly cold outside temperatures or to smooth out peak loads. Water-bearing wood-burning stoves can be easily integrated into the existing heating system. This means that the stove not only provides cosy warmth in the room where it is installed, but also reduces the load on the central heating system. An independent heat supply not only during blackouts and dark doldrums.

The question of the energy transition

The question of the energy transition

Regardless of the current situation regarding heat generation in living spaces, the energy transition will be an issue for the industry in the future.

The question: "How can we manage the energy transition?" will occupy politicians, citizens and many sectors from industry to trade for a long time to come. The answers to this question are very diverse. 

"Hybrid Heat" presentation area

"Hybrid Heat" presentation area

The special show "Hybrid Heat" at WORLD OF FIREPLACES presents various solutions for hybrid heat generation, promotes discussions between suppliers and visitors and opens up new potential.

It strengthens cooperation between industrial suppliers and trade companies from various trades.

It also offers the opportunity to present these solutions and their benefits to key political decision-makers.

Innovative heating system variants

Innovative heating system variants

Visitors to the special show will gain an insight into various solutions, including fireplaces for different fuels (logs, logs, pellets, wood chips), which can be combined with modern heat exchange technology to efficiently supply domestic heat and hot water.

These can be connected to heat pumps, biomass cellar appliances, solar or photovoltaic systems. Advanced cooking and baking options will also be presented.